New way or approach use by Nigerian for identity thief.(**ORIGINAL CHAT RECORD**)

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chatting record with Nigerian...

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yamav: i am 40 f and u
shyam: 30/m
yamav: loc
yamav: location
shyam: hk
shyam: n u?
yamav: nigeria
yamav: i am a banker
yamav: u
shyam: oh
shyam: business
yamav: wat kind
shyam: share broker
shyam: share market broker
yamav: ok
yamav: i understand
yamav: u marrried
shyam: not yet
shyam: n u?
yamav: single mother of 1 kid
shyam: do u have web cam
yamav: no
shyam: when u got divorce
yamav: yes
yamav: 8 years ago
shyam: r u planning for remerried
yamav: yes
yamav: u see my pic
shyam: no can u share me
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shyam: ya i see now
yamav: ok
yamav: can i trust u for a business
shyam: which business
shyam: r u want to invest in share market
yamav: There is $1.7 million dollars lodged in our bank from a man who died but I can get this money with your help..if you can be  trusted and share 35% with you.Are you interested?
shyam: ya sure
shyam: but why me ? there are many in negeria too interested in that
yamav: My proposal is that I will like you as a foriegner to stand in as the next of kin to late Gaschler Alonso. I will like you to  provide immediately your full names and address including your phone number and email address so that the Attorney of our  bank who is my partner in this business whose name is Barrister Jarett Okor will prepare all necessary documents in your  favour as the beneficiary next of kin to the fund.The Attorney will legally defend you before the bank as the next of kin.
shyam: hey u have funny thought thats rediculas!!
yamav: wat are u saying
yamav: are u kiding me
shyam: no
yamav: are u interested
yamav: the dead man is not a nigerian
yamav: he is a foreigner
yamav: this is why i need a foreing partner
shyam: give me first the detail of that dead man
yamav: ok
shyam: before commitment i need verify
shyam: becoz its as money matter
yamav: on  the 27th day of August 1997  late Gaschler Alonso of El-Salvador made a fixed deposit of $1.7M with afribank and he   died on  December 26, 2004,in the India Ocean earthquake
along with his entire family.
yamav: u there
shyam: ya
yamav: u must have heard of the indian ocean outburst
shyam: when
shyam: i don't heard about it
yamav: oh it happen at the city of kerela in india 2006
shyam: oh that means he was from india
yamav: no
yamav: his grand mother is of india decendant
yamav: he is from el-salvador
shyam: oh i have a good indian friend from mumbai
yamav: ok
shyam: do u like him to act like his kin as he is indian
yamav: so what do we do
shyam: what do u think about it
yamav: i want ur help
yamav: all i need from u is trust
yamav: and cooperation
shyam: ya
yamav: i want u to therefore send your name, address, phone # and mail address
yamav: for the transfer process
shyam: after that what is the next?
yamav: an application letter will be file urgently into the bank operations department for claim of the fund
yamav: in your favour as the next of kin
yamav: you will be fronted as a cousin to the late depositor
shyam: then
yamav: The Attorney will obtain all the legal and official necessary documents and letter of probate/administration in your favor for the transfer.The money will be transfered to you for our
sharing and you are to be compersated with 35% for your assistance and the balance 65% will be for me and the Attorney your partners.
shyam: may i need to come in negeria
shyam: for the procedure
yamav: only if u intend to
yamav: but the bank attorney is the principal partner to the business
yamav: and in the application letter of claim of the fund which he will file and submit to the bank in your favour will states that you choose and mandated him to represent you as your legal representative and to do all the transfer work on your behalf
shyam: in our country to claim such type of money we need to stand in front of court so ....
yamav: yes
yamav: yes how do u know that
shyam: there is little confuse in your procedure
yamav: that is why the attorney is involve
yamav: to do all the court proceeding
yamav: tell me what u do not understand i will explain
shyam: only adress email and number in not sufficient for such claim
shyam: it invole lots
yamav: let me tell u
yamav: the bank will not just wire u the money like that
shyam: then
yamav: the info. is for the application
yamav: it is for applying for the claim of the fund
yamav: after which the bank will then contact u for further transfer procedures
yamav: the bank will need some legal proof and evidence from u
shyam: thats what i mean
yamav: and the bank attorney as i told u will stand to defend all the claims
shyam: how
yamav: the bank will need some legal documents like the deposit certificate and court affidavit to support the claim
shyam: then u can also make fake address , email and number for such claim thats quite easy if your attorney is going to do everything
yamav: this is not fake ok
yamav: if i can make fake why do i need real person
yamav: the bank will need your ID for proof as well
shyam: what type of ID
yamav: like passport or driver;s license
yamav: for identification
yamav: i am telling u the fact
yamav: this is no fake becos the bank will not approve the payment when there  discover fake activities
shyam: ok call me in my number now lets talk about it'
yamav: i have no load
yamav: if u can call me i will give u my number
shyam: ya
yamav: or better still can u call the attorney
yamav: so that he will explain to u
shyam: sure
yamav: ok
yamav: call jarett okor on +2348182093478
shyam: give me your full adress including house number and phone
yamav: and tell him that I vivian as u to call him in respect of the transaction
yamav: he will understand
yamav: ok
yamav: my name is Vivian Yama 82 Gerald Avenue South West Ikoyi Lagos Nigeria
yamav: 2348037164763
yamav: send your info. ok
shyam: and e-mail
shyam: ?
shyam: r u there
yamav: yes
shyam: ok i will contact u later bye take care
yamav: u recieve all my contact and u said u contact me later
yamav: do u show any sign of serious at all
yamav: i am doubt u are not interested
yamav: pls. i am not a kid
yamav: do not play
shyam: i will call u
yamav: when
shyam: after my office hour
yamav: give me ur email address
yamav: the attorney will send u email
shyam: ok
shyam: or call me now
yamav: i have no credit on my phone
yamav: the lawyer will email u
yamav: ok
yamav: check ur email
shyam: when
yamav: right now
yamav: i have told him about u
yamav: and he told me that he is drafting ur email and that he will send it once he receive your email
shyam: how much money should i invest in this mission
shyam: how much to return
yamav: 35% will be taken by u
yamav: are u an indian nationality?
shyam: no
yamav: ok
yamav: the attorney have sent u the email
yamav: go look
yamav: are u there
shyam: ya
yamav: did u get his email
shyam: not yet wait a min
yamav: ok
yamav: add me into your list
shyam: ya sure
yamav: accept
shyam: ya i got the mail
yamav: u read it to know better
shyam: ya start reading
yamav: ok
yamav: why do u not want to add me
yamav: are u not interested in the business?
shyam: there is some serious doubt
shyam: i got this mail in my alternate yahoo id
yamav: about wat
yamav: u gave me this ID
yamav: what do u mean by alternative yahoo  ID
shyam: and document is not up to the mark
yamav: wat document
shyam: your jpg file
yamav: he did not send u any document
yamav: my jpg file
yamav: i do not send u ny file
shyam: i mean your friend 's jpg jpg file
yamav: what is wrong with it
shyam: attorney
yamav: maybe u think i am begging u
yamav: no i am not
shyam: in business nothing is begging
shyam: all about business
yamav: my dear
yamav: as u wish
yamav: i think i have been nice enough
shyam: and i'm in serious busines
shyam: not bluf
yamav: but the way u are saying means u are not interested
yamav: so i am not forcing u or begging u ok
shyam: i want some surity
shyam: or gaurantee
yamav: nobody need trouble here ok
shyam: how
yamav: my aim is for u to recieve ther money
yamav: there is no risk
yamav: the attorney is the bank attorney
yamav: and he will stand to defend the claim in your favour
yamav: how will trouble come
shyam: how u know that there were no relative of such great dead man
yamav: the fact is this
yamav: the attorney was lawyer to the dead man
yamav: gaschler alonso was a cleint  to jarett okor & co.
yamav: so the lawyer will not just jump into such business
shyam: in the document he was the oil contractor so there must be his relative
yamav: let me tell u about him
yamav: u do not know about him we do and if u believe in us then we have a deal with u
yamav: he was a single parent of his late parents
yamav: his parent migrated to africa in the late early 19th century
yamav: and live and dead and buried in africa
yamav: he inherited his father wealth
shyam: and also i can't track down "jarett okar & co. chambers"
shyam: i'm still trying to verify
shyam: is it this really exist
shyam: alll this doubt make me confuse
yamav: yes
yamav: u have his number
yamav: why can't u call him
shyam: i don't need number i just to need to verify
yamav: as u wish
shyam: i don't find the single word even in google bye this name "jarett okar & co. chambers"
yamav: what is ur name
yamav: let me google it to see if i will find it
yamav: do u think all name is in google
shyam: i'm business man so i try every possible
yamav: google ur name if u will see it in google
shyam: if u type my real name in google u will find more 30 site and link about me and my business
yamav: we are in africa ok
shyam: but what about your 's nothing thats really sound great
yamav: we are not that fast in internet like hk
shyam: it not about fast or slow
shyam: its about trust and confidence
yamav: ok
yamav: i give u my trust
yamav: my name is not in goolgle
yamav: and jarett do not have site
yamav: web site
shyam: ok any social networking link like facebook or orkut
shyam: in his name or your name
yamav: i do not have faebook account
shyam: what about orkut
yamav: okor
shyam: any?
yamav: i am not sure
yamav: he does
shyam: check it and forword me
yamav: u can see our bank site on
yamav: that is all i can say
yamav: and only the board of directors names are in the site
yamav: non of us is member of the board of directors
yamav: i do not know why u are doubting
shyam: as u are a banker i hope u know about contract
yamav: sure
shyam: if there is misinterpretation or misrepresent or fraud there will be very severe consequence
yamav: stop
yamav: thinking this way
yamav: why do u even think this way?
yamav: do u really want to benefit?
yamav: if yes never think this way
yamav: becos the more u think this way the more u will not have the confidence to assist the business
shyam: in business we have to think pro and cons otherwise no profit
yamav: in tis think positive ok
yamav: this is not a business of buying and selling
yamav: this is straight talk business
yamav: do want need to be done and get profit
yamav: u there
shyam: ya
yamav: are u still thinking
shyam: ya
yamav: oh
yamav: well i understand your feelings
yamav: i spoke with the lawyer
yamav: he said he has facebook account
yamav: but it has been long he check it
shyam: ok i'm waiting
yamav: let me ask him for the account ok
yamav: hold
shyam: r u there
yamav: yes
yamav: i have sent him email
yamav: just wait
yamav: pls.
yamav: i am with u ok
shyam: i'm going for bath its office time but i'm still online  sent me the link ok
shyam: be right back
yamav: ok
yamav: that is the face book account
shyam: ok
yamav: did u find him on face book
Last message received on 1/31 at 9:16 AM
shyam: ya
shyam: i'll call u later
shyam: its late for office
shyam: ok bye take care


IF anyone want to read that document i'll send it to u ... pliz left your seems to be reality...


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